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How to Disarm a Narcissist: 6 Effective Techniques

How to Disarm a Narcissist

If you want to find out how to disarm a narcissist, you’re in the right place, but before you start, remember that’s not a wise choice. Do you want to know why? Then continue reading!

How to disarm a narcissist: The Bases

Teasing a narcissist to disarm him is like waving a red cloth in front of a bull: it will infuriate him.

The best way to achieve this is to behave exactly like him by adopting narcissistic behavior, but what?

  • The first is to stop paying attention to him, just like he does when he wants to drive you crazy. Not being your constant thought and not being able to fill your days with his amazing false stories and his manipulative games will certainly disarm him.
  • Another technique that you can use is, in his presence, not give him the right attention. Be disinterested in his words, hardly listen to him, act as if anything, even the chirping of birds outside your window, can catch your attention more than his words.
  • You can also try to belittle his words, especially if you are in a group. By doing so, it will be a walk to disarm the narcissist. Say you don’t believe what he’s saying, maybe bring proof of it. Ruining his science fiction stories by making him clash with reality and showing it to everyone for what it really is will be the thing that will bring him down most of all.
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How to disarm a narcissist: useful tips

Fighting a narcissus is a dangerous game, if you think you can disarm it to have it in your hands you are already making a wrong reasoning, he rather than being manipulated will disappear and pass to a simpler victim. You can try to neutralize it but the result will probably be to become his favorite victim and the one to turn his most perverse and malicious attention.

It’s a bit like trying to steal from a thief: manipulating the manipulator par excellence will lead him to have an uncontrollable anger that can become seriously dangerous for both him and you.  It is very difficult to try to disarm a narcissist in this way, it is better to rely on an expert or at least an external person who can objectively assess your situation. Remember that the narcissist is a person who suffers from a disorder and as such must be treated and cured.

How to make a narcissist jealous? Another way to disarm a Narcissist

The real narcissus gets jealous not because they are in love but simply when they are put in competition, so how to do it? The best way is in a veiled way, so that it does not seem that you are looking for people elsewhere but that they want you!

They must be successful people for whom the narcissus can feel a strong envy. If you begin to devote time to this alleged rival, he will see it as time taken from him and, like a predator, will begin to mark what he considers to be his territory.

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The fact that he starts to see you as a person who does not have a morbid need of him, able to make decisions autonomously and maybe to listen to the point of view of another person, but it is not him, will make him boil.

The final blow? Let him understand that for you that person is very attractive!  In addition, in the article on how to win back a narcissist we touched on this issue, also trying to understand why it is better to avoid drawing his attention to a possible return.

How to mortify a narcissist?

The only person capable of mortifying a narcissist is… a narcissistic woman! Yeah, you know, a female narcissist can actually humiliate him.

It is an almost equal confrontation, in reality the narcissist woman knows how to be even more devious and manipulative and thus succeed in winning it. You can try to emulate his behavior, but if you’re not, it might be hard for you to implement. The narcissus recognize bluffs and may not only frustrate your attempts, but use them to mortify you.

How to make him lose credibility?

Assuming that the narcissus will most likely close your relationship before you allow yourself to do so, you can try to make the narcissus lose credibility by focusing on its weaknesses and/or instilling new ones. All you have to do is make him feel boring, poor, and let him know that you understand that what he’s saying is a lie.

He will surely try to convince you otherwise, he will call you crazy or he will leave permanently to prevent them from annihilating him by disappearing into thin air. The only way to accomplish the mission would be to gradually lower his self-esteem before he realizes what you’re doing. It is very cautious, it is a game of cunning and there are no definite results.

RELATED:  Narcissism and Emotional Dependence: How To Avoid Echo Syndrome

How to treat him?

If you’re trying to figure out how to treat a narcissist, you should know that there is a way, but as with everything about interfacing with narcissus, it’s neither simple nor immediate.  We have to make him understand that manipulation is not a way to have anyone at his feet and especially that his games have no effect on you.

For those who have already been compelled by his way of doing this is really difficult because despite the change of attitude that you can have towards him, knowing your weaknesses and what in the past has allowed him to subdue you, If you are able to show yourself totally indifferent to his games and indeed, show him that as a result they have the opposite of what was his goal you will succeed in your intent!
