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Narcissism and Social Network: Narcissist’s Social Profile Secrets!

Narcissism and Social Network

Narcissism and social networks are often closely related, as happens for the use by the narcissist of WhatsApp we have already talked about in an article. They represent one of those windows that the narcissist uses to send signals to his prey or even to find new ones. But how do you show the social profile of Narcissus? And above all, what is hidden behind his publications?

Narcissism and Social Network: That’s Why It Is So Important to Appear

The social networks of a narcissist are very important because they represent what he wants to show the world of himself. If you take a look at her board, it’ll be perfectly crafted. The photos will always show a serene and happy pose, maybe in fantastic places or luxury.

In short, what matters is to show the world what he has. It wants everyone to see how his life is beautiful. But not only that, as we said it is a showcase on the world and this can only attract new prey, which will be surprised by this so charismatic individual.

You will also notice that the social profile of a narcissist is treated in detail but devoid of empathy, a bit like him on the other hand. You won’t find pictures of puppies and kittens, or romantic phrases, on the contrary you will find him, in all his guise, who will show his body or his possessions.

Be careful, this does not mean that you will never share a picture of something cute, like a puppy! He will, of course, but only to tickle someone’s attention. He’s a great strategist, who only shares what he needs when he needs it.

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In essence, it is important to appear because thanks to social networks it is possible to shape reality and make it as he would like it to be. It may seem like a strong and charismatic individual, but this would be a characteristic of healthy narcissism, in fact it is all the result of low self-esteem.

Narcissist and Facebook: How do you use it?

Facebook is one of the most famous social networks in the world, in addition to Instagram of course, which we will talk about shortly. On Facebook usually never shares anything, or better, never shares many states and thoughts, prefers photos.

But if you really need to share something, then it will just be relaxed posts, fun or otherwise deep and intelligent. He wants at all costs to appear as a happy and interesting person, then everything depends on person to person and from case to case. But in principle everything he shares will serve to give a staggered idea of him, the one he wants to convey to others.

Narcissist and Instagram: His Photo Book

Instagram, on the other hand, is used in a different way! Here you’ll see he appears with selfies in sensual and intriguing poses, but not only… You will notice that he will upload many photos of him surrounded by many people or even photos in which luxury is exalted.

He’s a guy who pays a lot of attention to the aesthetics of his profile, wants to stand out from the others. And beware of stories, these will be your bait to lure the various victims already subjugated. They’ll be well-designed to hurt someone who’s been discarded.

The Use of Social After Discard: Here’s The Coup of Grace

Let’s cut to the chase! What do you do with social media after you discard the victims?

He’ll try to make you jealous, he’ll show pictures with his new prey all the time. First it will start with the stories, this to see if you will be among the users who viewed her photo, but if she will not see your name among those, then she will decide to upload them to the bulletin board!

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And there it is, the photo you didn’t want to see, that appears in the feed! In these cases you have to be strong and ignore as much as you can, the narcissist wants you to look for him, to get angry, to yearn for him. You must never give him this kind of satisfaction, otherwise you will confirm that you are still dependent.

Besides, texting him won’t do any good, because he’s guaranteed to read and he won’t answer. This is a disarming feeling, because it takes away any right to speak, leaving you without explanation. On the other hand, you have done nothing and you will not understand why he is avoiding you or even replacing you, but you will never have explanations from such a person. In fact, the more attention you ask, the more photos you get, which could do you more harm than good.

Narcissism and Social Network: Should I Block It?

No! Unless he is a person who endangers your safety (or annoys you) and therefore must necessarily be removed. The block on social networks is a clear sign to the narcissist that you’re so angry that you’re blocking his access.

Think about it… What do you do with people who have social media but don’t care? Ignore them, scroll through the board, and don’t give a damn. Blocking someone instead is a symptom of anger, play your cards well and if you have already blocked, then never go back.

If it hurts you to see what she shares, start not opening her stories anymore and hide her updates from the feed. It is a feature present on every social network. In this way you can avoid undergoing such torture.

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Narcissism and Social Network: What Does He Do When You Ignore Him?

He loads more and more photos, becomes pounding! You’ll see practically only him, the photos with the new flame will increase. He wants to give the impression that he has finally found the love of his life, but unfortunately that too is another victim from which he is getting supplies. In fact, you should never be mad at her for taking Narcissus away from you, but pity her, because she still doesn’t realize what trouble she’s gotten herself into.

If you continue to ignore him masterfully, you can watch him retrace his steps and maybe knock on your door to find out what happened to you. But it won’t always be like that, it might just disappear completely, in this case, it will because he realized you found out. So you don’t want to risk getting kicked out.

It is obvious that if he comes back you have to send him away, because otherwise he will start again with his strategies to try to conquer the ground he lost.

Narcissism and Social Network: Does He Spy On You?

Of course, he does! He controls your every move on your profile. Every post you share, every mood you want to shine through, and if you share a few bites. He’ll know! And that’s not something to be proud of, because he’s going to use it all against you. Even if he is not an empathic person, he is able to recognize someone’s weaknesses and if he finds out that something bothers you, he will become a real master in doing so.

To conclude, social media is a weapon that the narcissist knows how to use very well, for this reason you have to know all the details to avoid that he draws you back into the network. Avoiding it, on every occasion, will allow you to start again to live a serene and radiant life.
